Whether you are new to driving or an expert driver, you cannot avoid getting dents and scratches on your vehicle. And in case of any accident, one thing that pains as much as a physical injury is the cost of repair. And this is exactly where you will get the benefit of auto-insurance. Nowadays claiming your insurance isn't as difficult as it was a few years back. The insurance agents get their own commissions when you claim your insurance, so you can easily expect anywhere between 85-95% reimbursement for the steel parts and around 40-60% reimbursement for the plastic parts. But you must compare different insurance agencies before you select the perfect one for you.
In many countries motorists are classified as high risk for violation of traffic laws or if they are new to driving such as teenagers. Being placed or categorized under these classifications can result in high premium rates for insured motorists that they should not be entitled to. Like most of the people if you are planning to start driving during your student life, then to avoid high risk car (or bike) insurance you must read auto insurance FAQ's and also remember to compare different insurance companies and their schemes before you select the perfect plan for you.
Image credits: insurancetraders.com
In many countries motorists are classified as high risk for violation of traffic laws or if they are new to driving such as teenagers. Being placed or categorized under these classifications can result in high premium rates for insured motorists that they should not be entitled to. Like most of the people if you are planning to start driving during your student life, then to avoid high risk car (or bike) insurance you must read auto insurance FAQ's and also remember to compare different insurance companies and their schemes before you select the perfect plan for you.
Image credits: insurancetraders.com
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Related Posts: Basics, India, Vehicle insurance
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Teens are involved in a higher number of bike accidents with fatal or critical injuries. That's why insurance for young drivers is a must as it provides need protection to expensive bikes or bike riders.